The newest casino game by NetEnt, Starburst PowerPots, has taken the gambling community by storm. It is a game where your magnificent wins are also benefited by the whole community.
Starbust PowerPots is available through various different games and brands. Many avid casino fans are calling this community jackpot slot as “the slot that rules them all”.
The name “Starbust PowerPots” comes from the namesake of a very popular slot by Net Entertainment’s called “Starbust”.
Its mechanisms of working are very simple; the more games that the community plays on NetEnt, the higher the availability of “Starbust Tokens”. These Starbust Tokens can then be collected by the player and used to win prizes.
Any game that is played on NetEnt fills up the “PowerPots Progress bar”. As players continue playing their favorite slots, cards and games, the purple bar will progress towards completion until it finally fills up.
When this happens – much to players shocks – a community pot full of cash is distributed across all the players!
The fantastic purple community jackpot will be available across any casino that uses the Net Entertainment gaming program. In fact, NetEnt have specifically set up the Starbust PowerPots so that return to player (RTP) amount is different for each casino.
The famous Bryan Upton, director of NetEnt games had the following to say about Starbust PowerPots, “Starburst PowerPots was developed in line with customer and player expectations, taking cue on everything from art assets to mechanics,” said Bryan Upton, director of games at NetEnt.”
This means that most casinos can tailor the game towards their own brand. So, you might be seeing the iconic neon purple Starbust turn into perhaps a pearl blue color/theme.
Apart from the new Starbust Powerpot, NetEnt are also planning on adding a huge progressive jackpot slot. At the moment no information has been disclosed or leaked; however, there is great excitement in the casino community.
Some gamblers raised a doubt about whether being offline when the Starbust Powerpot money is given out will stop them from earning the money; however, Bryan Upton has confirmed that this is not the case.
In fact, he has continued by saying, “This is community gaming without the over-engineering and overthought on what slot players really want”.
He continued by saying, “This product can fit into any operator’s portfolio and deliver any experience, from large, life-changing prizes to super-fast hitting jackpots,”
In June 2016, Net Entertainments surprised the casino community by stopping all their services in Canada. Luckily, the pause in service was temporary.
In 2019, all Net Entertainment games including Starburst PowerPots are available in all Canadian Casino.
Could this unique community slot bring the customers of the gambling industry even closer to each other than before?